Heroes of might and magic 3 grail
Heroes of might and magic 3 grail

Heroes - Beastmaster: A fighter class relying on defence and focusing on it, resulting in a high defence for its already tough units. Grail building - increases a hero's attack and defence skills by +10 each when defending against a siege, increasing the defensive Fortress capabilities. Magic - level 3 mage guild Spell restrictions: Curse, Disguise, Death Ripple, Animate Dead, Protection From Earth. Special buildings - rather poor but really cheap : Cage Of Warlords permanently gives +1 Defence Skill to visiting heroes further enhancing the beastmasters' defensive tendency Glyphs Of Fear add a +2 Defence Skills to any hero defending the town against a siege Blood Obelisks add a +2 Attack Skills when defending the town too the Captain's Headquarters help with hoarding up the gnolls. Important upgrades: serpent flies, gorgons, wyverns, hydras. Having two rather weak flyers make this lineup ill-suited for siege combat if not supported by strategic spellcasting.

heroes of might and magic 3 grail

Chaos hydra has 7 speed, and beside dragon flies and wyvern monarchs, fortress creatures are very slow. troops: Lizardmen are weak archers (enhanced in SoD), Wyverns are amongst the weakest level 6 creatures.

heroes of might and magic 3 grail

Hydras can attack multiple stacks without fear of retaliation. Mighty gorgons are amongst the best level 5 units in the game with their death stare ability, a natural level 7 slayer. Dragon flies are fast, useful for early scouting and casting first in battles. Great specials (Poison, Dispel/Weakness, Death Stare, Stone Gaze) make this lineup a deadly army.

heroes of might and magic 3 grail

Creatures - powerful but slow melee units, highest defence.

Heroes of might and magic 3 grail